Core Training
Lesson 7 of 25
Commo 1.2
Cell phone, Land line and Radio
Not to get into great detail at this level of training but you need to understand some simple lessons of radio waves. Yes your cell phone transmits on radio waves too. Radio waves come in an array of frequencies from HF (high frequency) which in reality is the lowest frequencies that you need to be concerned with to VHF (very high frequency) which is where you will find most transmissions today from your car radio and personal walkie talkies. UHF (ultra high frequencies) are where your cell phones live.
There is a lot more to this then just that but for now that will do. The next thing to know is that is that the higher the frequency the shorter the wave and the smaller the antenna. So the bigger the antenna the farther it will transmit. (you can't hook an old tv antenna up to your phone to increase your range-it just doesn't work like that) As an example: a ham radio operator transmitting on HF is using an antenna the size of his house can talk to anyone around the world if the conditions are right. Your cell phone needs towers that are almost line of site to be able to transmit and receive. That is why there are so many cell phone towers. The kink is that those towers are usually located as high as they can be to create the most direct line to the devices they serve putting them right in the danger zone of bad storms.
If you travel into the woods you won't have any service at all unless you happen to stay close to a tower that supplies a more rural area. In order for cell phone companies to have coverage everywhere they quite literally have to put a tower and antenna everywhere. When the population isn't large enough it becomes cost prohibitive and there are just zones with no coverage.
You may have company on these frequencies in an emergency but when the power is out for a couple of days the people who have to capability to charge them will be greatly declined. There may actually come a point in an emergency where it is helpful to have multiple members of your community on a single frequency. The down side of these radios is that they have a short distance and they will be used by lots of people but if you have members of your family going off is search of food or supplies then having a way of staying connected will be worth it.
There are other options for group communication that we will cover in upcoming lessons. For basic radio communications you can't beat a low cost set of radios to keep your family connected.
If you haven't read the previous lessons yet I suggest that you do now to get up to date with the training thus far. Moving forward there is a lot more hands on practice required. Practice the skills that you learn and expand upon the things that you learn. Your goal is to improve your chances of survival in an emergency. This course is designed to be a road map for you to start from or to fill in the blank spots.
This is lesson 7 of 25 of the Core training course of the Sage Institute. Up next Lesson 8 Navigation 1.1
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