Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Are You Prepared?

Are You Prepared?

So you've decided that you needed to be better prepared.  You probably came to this decision after some event in life where you found yourself unprepared.  So you've done some research and have started prepping for a future that is unknown.  Fantastic, but are you prepared enough?  What are you prepared for?  Which areas are your strengths and which areas are your weaknesses.  For that matter, what are the areas that you should be working on?

Here is a quick list of the key areas that you need to be prepared in.  There are lots of different skills that will fit into some of these areas.  Some may be specific to your location or your age or abilities but they will all fit under these six key areas.

1.Are you prepared mentally?  Do you have the confidence to take on a huge crisis and not give up? Do you have a play book that will eliminate some of the costly time needed to make a plan in a crisis?  Do you have a positive mental attitude that will keep yourself and members of your family properly motivated?  Do you have enough experience to feel confident in your decision making?

2.  Are you prepared physically?  Is your physical body capable of dealing with the workload this will accompany a major crisis?  Is your diet under control and designed to transition into using 100% of your food stores to survive?  Are you healthy enough to be a capable and performing asset to your survival team?

3.  Are you prepared medically?  Do you have the training and the supplies to treat yourself and members of your team for medical reasons that would come from survival or combat?  Are you prepared for a possible pandemic?  Does more than one member of your team have these skills?

4.  Are you prepared technically?  Do you have the gear, equipment and food that you are going to need?  Is your load stored and planned to be moved if need be, sometimes in a big hurry?  Is your food stores enough and how much is enough?  Are your food stores safe?

5.  Are you prepared skillfully?  You may have the food and the gear but do you know what to do with what you have.  Do you practice and if so how, where and how often?  What is the best way to practice?  Do you have the skills to find what you need, grow what you need or hunt/trap what you will need to survive.

6.  Are you prepared tactically?  Are you trained and equip to defend yourself, your family and your supplies with unarmed and armed combat?  Do you know the attack and escape routes from your home or camp?  Do you have the proper firearms or weapons to defend your home and family and are your trained to use them?  Not just shoot them but how to use them to stop an attack without firing shot? 

     All these areas of preparation need to be balanced.  If you are heavy in one area and weak in another you will naturally try to survive with what you have.  If you have lots of guns but little food you will have no choice but to use those guns against your friends and neighbors to keep from starving.  If you have lots of food but can't defend them you better stuff yourself fast before someone comes and takes them away from you.

SPEAR Survival is a system that will teach you how to get better prepared in a balanced way and how to practice.  
SPEAR is an acronym for: Survival, Preparedness, Emergency Anticipation, & Readiness. 
 Just as a white belt learns the basics of a martial art so will you with the level one course.  Most people who have been preparing for a while will have most of these lessons covered and will only have to fill in the holes in their training.  Others will use level one to create a solid foundation for the lessons that follow which will get them better prepared in a balanced fashion.

SPEAR is a very low cost solution to solving these tough questions that are listed above.  Most people don't know where to start and have no idea where they want to go with their prepping.  This martial art system of survival will give you a simple road map to follow to keep moving in the right direction as well as teach you how to practice the skills that you already have in a method that is easy and fun.

SPEAR is free to start and free to continue to learn.  The certification and the support of people at your same level of training is the real key.  You will have access to the training forum that is relevant to your level of training.  You will be able to share ideas and ask questions of people who are proud to be studying this system and who share the same values you do.  As you grow and become better prepared you will be promoted to the next level and will be surrounded by inspiring people again that will challenge you to grow even further.

In the higher ranks of this system you will be able to teach the skills that you have to people around you and to develop a team of like minded people who can come together in a crisis.

Just as in a combat martial art, the path to mastery doesn't end at the black belt, it truely begins.  The more you know and the better your skill the clearer you see the road ahead.  It will change you physically.  It will change you mentally.  It will change you spiritually.  

Unless you have it all figured out and are prepared for anything I urge you to head over to our website and fill out the student registration form and become a SPEAR student.