I have been spending hundreds of hours doing research about survival and prepping for the last few years. With all the information out there I couldn't find just what I was looking for. I could find lots on primitive survival and how to build a shelter out a leaves and start a fire with two sticks. I found lots of information on how to store and hoard food. I found lots of survival guys who have a massive collection of firearms to be deployed on any wayward zombie or lunatic hell bent on attacking them. Yet none of these things were what I was looking for.
I was looking for something that took a little from each of these areas and left the crazy out. I want to know how to store food and how much, but also, how to protect from looters if I needed to-without setting up mines in my basement. I want to know the best ways of starting fire or creating shelter without having to grow a long beard and take in a pet bear. Mostly I wanted to get better at being prepared for anything and maybe be able to survive on my own for an extended period of time if something crazy did happen to the world.
Then I was faced with where to start. There are so many things that we need to know that nobody really teaches anymore. Most information I found was so biased and complicated that I had to spend lots of time sifting through the pages of information for the simplest of things that would fill in the hole of information that I was looking for.
In the end I decided that If I came up with a system to follow that started in the beginning and built up from there, then I would be able to focus my study on what I needed to know and keep myself from getting overwhelmed. This is the same way that I teach students the martial arts. You start with the basics of stance and balance and build them up to be experts in the art. My primary focus is everyday survival to start with. I think you need to be able to survive the normal stuff today before you start thinking about long term survival. The skills that will be covered range from fire building to hand to hand combat and food storage, use and prepparation. The goal of training is to become better prepared, better skilled and better people in the process. SL7 is the "black belt" equivalent rank and by that point students witll have a very solid skill base to see them through any crisis and actually thrive, not just survive.
I am offering this information to anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation. I have mapped out the levels of training like belts in the martial arts starting with the most basic levels and going up. I will release a blog on each lesson and follow that up with a video. At the completion of each level I will offer a test that will be the right of passage to the next level of training.
I am offering this information to anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation. I have mapped out the levels of training like belts in the martial arts starting with the most basic levels and going up. I will release a blog on each lesson and follow that up with a video. At the completion of each level I will offer a test that will be the right of passage to the next level of training.
I look forward to sharing this journey with anyone who wants to join and perhaps offer some guidance along the way. Learning is so much better when you don't do it alone. Just like the martial arts, you can study at home the skills that you need but it is not the same as belonging to a school. I will offer these lessons to you strictly through the internet for you to practice alone or with your family. I charge nothing for the lessons and very little for the tests. My goal is to help as many people as possible be better prepared today than they were yesterday.
If you have an area of expertise that is related to this course and would like to contribute or assist in the creation of this system I look forward to hearing from you.
If you want to start at the beginning - Lesson 1
More information: www.spearsurvival.com
If you have an area of expertise that is related to this course and would like to contribute or assist in the creation of this system I look forward to hearing from you.
Keith Guyer
Chief Instructor
The Sage Institute
If you want to start at the beginning - Lesson 1
More information: www.spearsurvival.com